So anywho, we spent the weekend up at the park on our little piece of dilapidated paradise. Peter set up our trailer so we'd have somewhere to stay, and started tearing out the insides of the bunkie. We were so happy to see that the wood the bunkie is made of is in perfect condition. And when I mean perfect, I mean it looks like it just came off the shelf of home depot. We were very excited because we thought we'd have to replace most of the wood frame just to make it livable. Other than the floor, which is in good condition as well but the boards have shrunk so you can see the ground below, we won't need to replace any wood. And even the floor we are just going to slap some plywood down and stick some cheap flooring over top.
We are super excited about getting some electricity as well. The inspector was there on Friday morning and we should be getting the report in the mail some time this week or early next week. Still no washroom (or water for that matter), but my parents property has two, so for now I'll just waddle my huge pregnant body down the road to use theirs. It's good exercise... although a bit annoying.
Friday night was great. Alexander was pooped from running around like a bad man all day and dropped off to sleep at 7pm. Peter and I just chilled and talked about our plans for the property, and then settled in and watched Mama Mia and some HGTV until around 12am. A very late night for me, lol.
Saturday Peter helped my Dad build a deck, which took pretty much all day, and they still aren't finished. The day was great for working outside as it was cool with a mix of sun and cloud. I thought Alexander would get underfoot the whole time but they set him up with some wood and various tools and he happily played off to the side. It helped that he wasn't too crazy about the sound of the saw, kept him a safe distance from all the main work. We had a great meal with my parents and then headed home. It was such a great weekend :)
Well, here are some pictures of our property and our weekend. I hope you enjoy!
Our dog Abbey. Not the nature lover at all, spent most of the time sitting in the van, lol.
Playing in our trailer, which he calls his club house :)
The property
The bunkie. It is about 12 by 10 feet.
The shed/outhouse. Yes, the people before us created a multipurpose 4X6 room, combining shovels with sh*t. Totally grosses me out. I've not been in it, nor will I ever go in it. The nice thing is they hadn't used the property for about 8 years so the poop hole will be easy to clean and fill. It's just gross. Needless to say, its going.\
Alexander running around like a mad man:
A few years ago this would have been the PERFECT Christmas tree. It is way too big now, but it gave me the idea to plant and harvest our own trees. We are going to plant a bunch of them and then in a few years use them as Christmas trees. We just get small ones anyway so it shouldn't take too long before we can use them.
The view from the back of our property. It backs on to a farm and sometimes, if we are really lucky, the cows are in the field grazing. Alexander is totally fixated on the cows, and so am I.
Our wild strawberries. The property is covered in them. They are the sweetest and smallest strawberries I have ever had, and they are sooooooo yummy :) (We made sure they weren't poisonous before we ate them).
Just some random cuteness:
Thanks for looking!
LOVE the pictures!! So this property.. is it for camping? or are you building on it? I can't remember you saying anything about it. Alexander is growing SO big :) He's adorable. Looks like he had a great time running around!
We are going to keep the bunkie on it and it'll be just a getaway for the weekends. We have a camper trailer that we'll use for sleeping in and the bunkie will be for cooking and rainy days. Eventually we'd like to build a cottage on it but that is a very very very very (did I mention very) long time away.
Alexander LOVES the space. He spends the whole time just running about in and out of the trees, checking out bugs, having a grand old time, lol. He is getting really big. Can you believe that our babies are almost 2.5 years already!
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